In a regular conversation with my Mom last week, I asked her - how relationships strip off so easily now-a-days in friendship, love or family ? How people could change so much? They love you, respect you, willing to do absolutely anything to be with you, they make all these promises about all the great things that you are going to do together and suddenly it fades away. And Mom said, that’s how everything in life works. It’s just like when you go into a store and you see an attractive mug. You find it unique/special and you crave to buy it. The reasons that you tag to this desire is, I will drink in this mug regularly, I will keep it in a safe place and merry around every time I use it. And once you buy it, it just becomes a mug that got added to your collection of mugs.
I was reflecting on her point a lot more deeply later. No, I cannot align with her prospect to the least, as I am nowhere mirror to the person which she referred to. I am not such a person with the people in my life too. I don’t even attempt to think - oh that’s it, I got to know you, now let me go on to someone else so that I can augment my “get to know wish list” with more.
I am truly emotional to the things I possess. I cling a lot of good memories to all that I receive. It is the same with the people in my life too. I value them. I appreciate them. I see their worth. I never lack in expressing my love or gratitude towards them in my deeds or words. This deflected to think me whether the whole world is designed to work in my manner and we choose behind people who are collectors that treats us like one of their mugs in the shelf. Like, we are easily replaceable and requires no effort to be kept. All we need is to be available every once in a while to get washed/used as their will or are we going after people who actually treat us with care every single day? Are we with collectors or are we with people who appreciate our presence and do the best of their ability to show up to show you how grateful they are to have you in their lives? Yes, it is merely our own choice.
But more importantly, let’s make certain that we ourselves never become a mug-collector in our loved one’s life as the law of nature says - "you get attracted to whom you really are" !
